7-9 yrs - Art Est Art School and Gallery
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7-9 yrs

Our courses for kids aged 5 to 12 years are structured for different age groups and stages. Kids learn about artists, art history and art genres while being in a relaxed and nurturing environment. While many of our young students come for fun, some use their Art Est portfolio to enter selective creative high schools.

NSW Creative Kids Voucher

New $50 Creative Kids Vouchers are now available.  Find out how to obtain your voucher and then redeem with us. "Click here to read step-by-step instructions.>"

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Ceramic | Jellycat Creations | 5-8 years

Ceramic | Jellycat Creations | 5-8 years

This class is all about creating a ceramic version of a 'Jellycat' plushie. Learn hand-building techniques to create your very own sculpture! What will students take home? A fired ceramic sculpture for you to proudly show off at home.  The artworks made in this class will be fired in our kiln so kids will not take their artwork home on the day. The work needs to dry out before bisque firing, we then glaze the work and fire again in our kiln. We will send you an email notifying you... [More]

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